Innovation Rut

Are you stuck in a rut trying to improve your concept or product? Does this seem familiar?

Just get rid of your box! Then there is no inside and outside....

Create a fresh perspective, chat with peers and people not so directly associated with your work.  Channel, bundle, and build upon creative ideas to get beyond your current barrier.

Patent costs

So you made a significant innovation and think you would like to pursue a patent right away.

Assume you see that process through and file patent applications across numerous important countries.  The total cost to prosecute and then maintain that patent for its full life in 5-8 countries could easily exceed $100,000, and in high-cost cā€¦

Assume you see that process through and file patent applications across numerous important countries.  The total cost to prosecute and then maintain that patent for its full life in 5-8 countries could easily exceed $100,000, and in high-cost countries could approach $200,000!  

For any company dependent on technical innovation, the costs associated with an enlarging patent portfolio deserve significant attention, and a lifecycle management process.